
My latest obsession

I've always wanted a extreemly bright and cheerful dress. It's perfect in the sun, at the beach but most emporantly it's a lifesaver on gloomy November days. Walking home from school on a  wet sidewalk isn't exactly paradise. However every thing can be cheered up with a splash of colour! That's why my new fetish will be colourful dresses with boots and tights. Anything can be better once you spark your life up!
 I was looking for some collections involving earlier mentioned dresses and I came across Moschion Cheap&Chic. The brand was launched in 1988.  I was never a big fan of Moschino, however after seeing a few pieces from the  Cheap&Chic line I became positively surprised! The dresses perfectly reflect my desires for a dress! The summer 2008 collection is definetly my dream come true!
(All photos from www.frillr.com)


  1. love Moschino too! has an amazing ironic-chic style! :)

  2. I love walks, in such company especially!!!))) a tremendous post and a blog!!!))
    Love, love, love, Moschino Cheap&Chic!!!

  3. These are beautiful! The colours, and the photographs are stunning xxx


  4. Thank you for the wonderful comments!

  5. wow, I love these dresses ! <3 I want them ! haha :). I haven't been on your blog for a long time. I'm sorry for that. xoxo
    new post at my blog : http://loveandpeaceandfashion.blogspot.com/
